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Tom ies gate ias 20 years question and answers by s k. K mondal is a renowned and excellent faculty at one of the top coaching institute madeeasy. Engineering mechanics notes for gate, ies, ias by s. Gate exam requires the practice of various topics of engineering. Fluid mechanics, engineering mathematics, heat and mass transfer, ic engine, industrial engineering, machine design, metal cutting and forming, power plant engineering, refrigeration and airconditioning, strength of materials, thermodynamics, theory of. Match list i with list ii and select the correct answer using the codes below the lists. There are various books for the preparation of gate. Sk mondal mechanical notes for gate, ies, psu 2019 free pdf download machine design non traditional machining notes on welding weldingcompletepptwithquestion tool life and machinability notes concepts in manufacturing processes c trusses refrigeration and air conditioning strength of material power plant engineering metal casting ppt notes limit fit tolerance fluid. Click on download link for achieve something new about engineering mechanics em. Download s k mondal mechanical engineering notes ies swapan kumar mondal sir is ies officer railway, gate topper, ntpc et2003 batch, pdf. Pdf indian economy ramesh singh free download pdf certificate physical and human geography gc leong free download. Mondal notes of engineering mechanics em for gate, ies, psus, cat and other competitive exams, here s.
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